The Redevelopment Plan

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1. What is the redevelopment plan?

WinnDevelopment and the Southern Hills Tenant Association (SHTA) have worked together to plan for the long term preservation of your deeply subsidized apartments. The age and condition of the property requires that it be rebuilt to achieve this goal. The redevelopment plan calls for the construction of 349 units, a new community center, several park areas and parking lots. The existing 255 Project-based Section 8 units will be rebuilt in addition to 94 new affordable units. The project will be built over 3 phases. Each phase will include demolition of existing buildings and reconstruction of new buildings.


2. Why are there 3 phases?

Winn split the project into phases to accomplish two main goals: 1) Fewer households will need to be     relocated off-site; and 2) Smaller projects are easier to fund, resulting in a quicker redevelopment.  The phasing plan is designed to produce ’surplus units’ (i.e. more units will be constructed than demolished) in Phase 1 and Phase 2 to limit the number of households requiring temporary off-site relocation.


3. Do I have a right to return to one of the new units?

All Southern Hill residents that are lease-complaint are guaranteed the right to occupy a new construction unit at the redevelopment.  


4. Will I come back to my same sized apartment?

The redevelopment will include 1 bedroom/1 bath,     2 bedroom/ 1 bath, 3 bedroom/ 2 bath apartments and 3 bedroom/1.5 bath duplexes. Single person households currently leasing an efficiency will occupy a 1 bedroom when they relocate to the redevelopment.  When residents return, they will return to a ‘right sized unit’ for their household, which based on HUD Occupancy Standards and dependent on household composition including gender, age and   familial relationship.

5. What are some building and unit amenities?

The new buildings will have elevators, mailrooms where residents can receive packages, and trash chutes on each floor.  All unit types will be larger in size/square footage than the existing. All units will have individual washers and dryers, dishwashers, and garbage disposals. All three-bedroom units will have two bathrooms.


 6. How will security be improved?

The new buildings will have secure doors and an   upgraded camera system.  Cameras will monitor   outside and interior corridors. Patrol guards will    continue to be on site.  


7. Will there be handicapped accessible units?

Yes, each building will have some units designed   specially for persons with physical disabilities, and visual and hearing disabilities.


8. Which buildings are in Phase 1?

Phase 1 includes the following 3 buildings:

· 4201-4205 4th Street

· 4209-4213 4th Street

· 4217-4221 4th Street